Monday, February 11, 2013

Finding The Best Space War Games

It had been a lengthy drive returning to the city from the campsite. This last weekend my buddies and I spent some time together inside one of our national parks. We all hiked around, joked around, found cool animals plus figured how to prepare a meal on a fire. It was awesome! I must have a vivid imagination because I had this really outrageous dream of being on a space ship going back to earth. I wound up waking up completely freaked out since I thought it was real. I never ever lived it down with my pals. They are such dorks. Anyway, I’m home now and am ready to hit the bed. We all took shifts traveling to the city and I am exhausted.

A blaring siren woke me up. What now, I thought to myself. Did I forget to turn off a burner on my own stove? I hopped out of bed. I sprinted to flilp on the light switch and couldn’t find it. I mean there wasn’t smoke or even fire in my room. I just could not find the switch. It was not where I remembered it. Am I going insane? Eventually, I was able to locate the light switch. When the light came on I was not inside my bedroom. I mean I'd been inside a room, but not the one I recall falling asleep in. I opened the door and saw a long narrow corridor. The alarm was blaring now. I had to hold my hands against my ears to help keep from going deaf. I turned a corner and spotted individuals running into a huge room. They were gearing up for that which appeared to be a battle. It was like something out of a space game. None of it made sense to me. Then I discovered a young man around my age. He said his name was Apollo and everybody was preparing to fight. The Cylons were attacking.

I wasn’t certain what to make of what he had just told me. Absolutely nothing made sense at all to me. He offered me a code to use and told me to type it into the control booth facing us. I would be seated there and was given the job of monitoring the radar. I needed to advise the team if the red-colored ships on the radar, which were the Cylons, got within one hundred feet of us. I said sure. Then I decided I really must be daydreaming again. I must have actually ended up back to the dream I had been in at the campsite. Very strange. I needed to figure a way out of this unusual space war game.

The Cylons ended up getting closer to the ship. I informed the crew and they begun to shoot at them to keep them from coming too close to us. I could feel the ship quickly accelerated and climbed somewhat higher to avoid collision with the Cylons’ ship. Suddenly I then felt a powerful jolt then over heard the alarm go off again. Apollo and the other crew informed us to get out of the area. We had been hit by the Cylons. We all had to vacate. Everyone begun running out to the safe room. Then a second hit. It knocked out the electricity in our bay. Absolutely everyone started stumbling over each other since we could not see. I fell and hit my head. All sorts of things went blurry and also silent. Suddenly I woke up in a sweat. My alarm clock went off. I woke up and turned it off and went to the bathroom. My head hurt a bit. I looked in the mirror and found a cut with a little blood. Wait, that was a dream right? Maybe not.

To check out one of my favorite space games check out

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